
Before raising the white flag
Speak to us and learn the heavenly art of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural way to feed your baby. It provides all the nutrition with your baby needs during their first 6 months and also helps to create a loving bond between you and your baby. The first milk you produce is called colostrum. It is rich in antibodies and fat, which newborns need to build their immunity. There are several ways to increase milk production, one of which is by doing yoga exercise.
Yoga is a unique combination of useful movements to improve physical health and way of breathing and meditation that can provide peace of mind. At WellMom we educate mothers on the importance of breastfeeding and how to stay healthy to lactate well for the newborn. Mammas first milk is "Liquid Gold" for your new born. Breastmilk is important for nourishing and protecting your newborn and is already naturally customized for the baby.

  • How to
  • Hidden Benefits
  • First timers
  • Care & Timing
  • Milk not coming
  • Baby not drinking
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    We believe every mother should breastfeed their little one. Give your child the best feed on Earth

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Lactation FAQs

Learn the best way for Child to build their immunity

The techniques and position as guided by the lactation consultant go a long way in streamlining the breastfeeding process.

Breast milk is the best milk and is already naturally customized for the baby.

A No. of factors help you understand your baby, in a broader view if the baby is gaining weight healthily and seems satisfied after the feeding session, the breastfeed milk quantity is sufficient.

Encourage to join prenatal sessions....

Covering all your Lactation worries

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Give Your Child The Best Feed On Earth